Suggestions for choosing a legal guardian for your children

If you are the parent of young children, you may have already begun thinking about who you would want to care for them if something tragic would ever happen to you. Planning ahead for these types of situations, even if a bit unsettling at times, is certain to provide confidence that if you were ever debilitated in some way, your …

How the elderly can protect their rights

More than 1.5 million American adults are under the care of guardians, who have broad jurisdiction to make financial and medical decisions on behalf of their wards. For the most part, guardians act responsibly. They are family members or professionals who, out of a sense of duty, care for individuals who are too vulnerable or ill to care for themselves. …

What’s the best way to divide retirement assets in divorce?

Tennessee is an equitable distribution state. What this means is that, when couples divorce, their assets will be divided in a manner that is fair—if not, strictly speaking, equal. When it comes to retirement assets, however, matters can quickly become confusing. Spouses must be attentive. Retirement holdings are not automatically included in divorce proceedings. As such, some individuals find themselves …

Business owners: what you should know about trade secrets

If you operate a small business, then you know how crucial it is to set your company apart from competitors. Considering how much time and energy you put into distinguishing your business from the others through your marketing choices, products offerings and services, it is vital that you protect them. These are all examples of trade secrets, and as a …