

Britney Spears was one of the most iconic popstars of the early 2000’s, and as such, most aspects of her personal life have played out in the public eye – including her placement in a conservatorship thirteen years ago. The circumstances around her conservatorship have attracted attention within the past year with the release of the documentary, Framing Britney Spears, …

Advance directives for your college aged children

When preparing a child to go off to college, it is important to make sure they have all their dorm supplies, textbooks, and the right meal plan for the upcoming academic year. However, an often overlooked but arguably more important item on the to do list should be the now 18-year old’s advance directives. Advance directives include Healthcare Power of …

Prenuptial Agreements

Recently Bill and Melinda Gates announced that they are filing for divorce after twenty-seven years of marriage. Like another high-profile couple with substantial wealth, Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos, the Gates’ did not have a prenuptial agreement directing the division of marital assets. The Gates’ divorce poses a unique challenge in the question of ownership of the Gates’ foundation. The Gates’ …

“I Don’t” – Who does the ring belong to if the engagement is called off?

Aside from ruining the moment, requiring someone, while on bended knee and asking another to marry them, to clarify that in the event that the engagement is called off they want the ring back is “unduly harsh and unnecessary,” according to the Tennessee Court of Appeals in the 2007 case Crippen v. Campbell. In the case of Crippen v. Campbell, …

Probate 101

When you are planning your estate, you might hear that your Will has to go through probate and that you should avoid the probate process. Not only do people have stories of experiencing a drawn-out legal process or of someone taking advantage of the system, but these unfortunate experiences are all occurring following the death of a loved one. Despite probate’s unfortunate …

How to encourage compliance among your employees

When you are building your business and beginning to hire employees, one of your biggest concerns will be developing a team of like-minded individuals who are committed to protecting your intellectual property and representing your brand in the best way possible. One of the most critical ways to do this is to implement protocols and policies designed to encourage compliance. …

Why digital assets shouldn’t be ignored when making a will

Estate Planning for Digital Assets This article looks at the risks of not having a digital estate plan and how to go about making one or meet with an Estate Planning or Will Attorney. Making a will is one of the most effective ways of preparing for the future and giving loved ones greater peace of mind. However, when making a …

What is a QDRO? Retirement Account Division in Divorce

Marital assets are fairly easy to divide during Tennessee divorce negotiations. However, your spouse’s retirement accounts are not as straightforward. With the possibilities of taxes and penalties, other problems will be looming if things are not done just right. According to Fidelis Law, Divorce Lawyer in Brentwood TN, one tool often used in these situations is a Qualified Domestic Relations …

Successful blended families and stepparent adoption

Family Law Helping Blended Families When a blended family forms, you and your partner begin to forge a new life together with the children from one or both of your previous relationships. The rewards can be tremendous, but there can be challenges as well. With new children comes new rules, new demands and new expectations. If you’re willing to work …

3 Reasons Everyone Should Have an Estate Plan

Estate planning can help reduce asset loss, honor a person’s end-of-life wishes and ensure that his or her heirs have adequate care and financial support. Many Tennessee residents recognize the importance of estate planning, yet never begin or complete the process. Tellingly, CNBC reports that over half of Americans do not even leave behind a will when they pass away. …